Engineers’ Council Honors STEM Educators

Engineers’ Council Honors STEM Educators

Today at the 68th Engineers’ Council Honors and Awards Banquet, the Council will present their Project of the Year award to Northrop Grumman as the lead integrator of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Beginning with being named as the prime contractor in 2003, Northrop Grumman, in collaboration with NASA and several industry and international partners, guided development of what is now the largest optical space telescope in existence. The James Webb Space Telescope fundamentally alters our understanding of the universe.

Northrop Grumman ensured that this once unthinkable achievement became a reality. Identified as a top priority for astronomy and astrophysics by the National Research Council, the Webb Telescope is a key program for NASA and the scientific community and is central to the nation’s ground- and space-based astrophysics program. The success of this project was the result of the combination of technical and programmatic dedication not only within the programmatic team, but across the entire enterprise, yielding a space vehicle that meets all specification requirements and brings groundbreaking discoveries to mankind daily.

The entire list of awardees, along with descriptions of their accomplishments can be found in the program agenda, which is available on the Engineers’ Council website, which also contains photos from the evening.

For more information, press only:

Stephen K. Guine, President, The Engineers’ Council

Award Descriptions

2023 Banquet Program:

2023 Photo Gallery